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Kamis, 08 Januari 2015

Ungkapan Kesantunan (Expressing Politeness)

Untuk dapatkan file bahan tayang dalam bentuk ppt kilik DI SINI

Agar ungkapan kita terkesan santun, maka awalilah ungkapan itu dengan kata-kata berukut:
-       Please, ....................!  /  ...................., please!
-       Can you ....................., please? / Can you please...............?
(Dapatkah/Bisakah anda..............................)
-       Could you ..................., please? / Could you please...........?
(Dapatkah/Bisakah anda..............................)
-       Would you ..............., please? / Would you please ............?
(Dapatkah/Bisakah anda..............................)
-       Do you mind (+V.ing) ...................?
(Apakah anda keberatan.............................)
-       Would you mind (+V,ing) ............, please?
(Apakah anda keberatan.............................)
-       I would like you to .............................
(Saya ingin anda........................................)

Jika kita hendak meminta seseorang untuk mengecilkan volume televisi, maka ucapkanlah:
-       Please, turn down the television.
-       Can you turn down the television, please? / Can you please turn down the television?
-       Could you turn down the television, please? / Could you please turn down the television?
-       Would you turn down the television, please? / Would you please turn down the television?
-       Do you mind turning down the television?
-       Would you mind turning down the television, please?
-       I would like you to turn down the television.

Exercise 1
Kamu ingin meminta seseorang untuk melakukan hal-hal berikut. Ucapkanlah dengan santun. Nomor 1 adalah contoh.
1.      Turn up the radio
Could you turn up the radio, please?
2.      Turn on the tap
3.      Turn off the lamp
4.      Switch off the cell phone
5.      Switch on the computer
6.      Speak slower

Jika kita hendak merespon ungkapan-ungkapan di atas, ucapkanlah:
-       Alright                              (Baiklah)
-       Sure                                  (tentu)
-       Certainly                          (tentu)
-       Of course                         (tentu)
-       Why not?                         (kenapa tidak?)
-       With my pleasure             (dengan senang hati)
-       No, not at all                    (tidak, tidak sama sekali)
-       Sorry, I can’t                    (Maaf, saya tidak bisa)

Exercise 2
Lengkapilah dialog berikut dengan menggunakan ungkapan kesantunan yang telah kamu pelajari di atas. Nomor 1 adalah contoh.
1.      Press the power button
Lita   :  I would like you press the power button.
Abit  :  With my pleasure.
2.      Open Ms. Word 
Lita   :  Please...................................
Abit  :  Sure.
3.      Type this text 
Lita   :  Do you mind........................................?  
Abit  :  No, not at all.
4.      Delete the words 
Lita   :  Can you ................................................?
Abit  :  ............................................................. 
5.      Copy the picture
Lita   :  ..............................................................., please!
Abit  :  .............................................................
6.      Print it out
Lita   :  ...............................................................?
       Abit  :  .............................................................

Exercise 3
Buatlah dialog singkat dengan melibatkan ungkapan kesantunan berdasarkan gambar-gambar berikut. Gunakanlah ungkapan kesantunan yang berbeda untuk setiap nomor. Nomor 1 adalah contoh.
 1. Sit down

 2. ..................

A: Sit down, please!
B: Alright
A : ...................................
B : ...................................

 3. .......................

4. ....................

A : ...................................
B : ...................................
A : ...................................
B : ...................................

5. .............................

6. ........................

A : ...................................
B : ...................................
A : ...................................
B : ...................................

Exercise 4
Bacalah dialog berikut dengan suara nyaring, kemudian jawablah pertanyaan yang mengikutinya!
Susi          :  Good morning Mrs. Tuti.
Mrs. Tuti    :  Good morning Susi. What are you doing?
Susi          :  I’m looking for a book. Could you do a favor for me?
Mrs. Tuti    :  What is it?
Susi          :  I need a book about art. Would you mind showing me it?
Mrs. Tuti    :  No, of course not. Can you look for it on the shelf over there?
Susi          :  Umm… I have searched it but I haven’t found it. Would you please look for it together?
Mrs. Tuti    :  I have two books of art. Both of them are “The Seven Wonders of the World” and “Some Popular         
                    Indonesian Painters”. Do you like both of them?
Susi          :  Really? Can you lend me the second one, please?
Mrs. Tuti    :  I’ll lend you if you give it back soon.
Susi          :  Certainly. I’ll return it immediately. Thank you.
Mrs. Tuti    :  You’re welcome.

1.      Where does the conversation take place?
2.      What is Susi looking for?
3.      How many books does Mrs. Tuti have?
4.      Which book does Susi borrow?
5.      “I have searched it.....” What does the underlined word mean?
6.   “Would you mind showing me it?” What does the underlined word refer to?

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